There is  also pygame-cffi, which is I guess slightly higher up than
sdl (but not something *I* would personally use for a UI either) -

On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 7:32 PM, Eric Driggers <> wrote:
> I have a preference against web-based UIs for things that are meant to
> exist/run just on my one machine. Especially since some of these are
> shorter-lived but "heavy" scripts (working with them for only a few
> minutes).
> So the short update that I can see is:
> * There is/was work with WxPython as a GSOC project, but that has been
> left to mostly stagnate. ( )
> I was unable to reproduce any of the demos/tests easily, probably a
> bit too much time has passed for someone like me to be able to pick it
> up and carry on. Would need an amount of love first from someone
> knowledgeable to bring it forward and be develop-able again.
> * (aka: use CPython for a
> GUI toolkit via embedding the interp into PyPy), although quite the
> nice workaround I feel that if you are going to have to fall back to
> CPython (and thus install all the modules required there) I might as
> well stay with CPython for these scripts
> * cffi: aka "the hard way", write hooks/wrappers into toolkit of choice 
> myself.
> * Some form of web-based GUI (eg flask+bootstrap, RapydScript, and
> more): Although I like web-interfaces, they are not appropriate for
> every use case. Thick, heavy workloads bound to one computer do not
> integrate or scale easily with python-based webUI stuff from my
> experience.
> * works wonderfully and will probably be
> what I use here on out.
> * Bit more work to get
> started, but nice if you need some of the bells and whistles SDL2
> brings (joystick inputs, easy-ish GL use)
> Thanks Ryan for pointing me to PGI, few examples I have run worked
> wonderfully so far for all the widgets I need.
> On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 1:32 AM, Phyo Arkar <> wrote:
>> With this stack , It works on every platform that pypy works. Also possible
>> for mobile UI
>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Phyo Arkar <>
>> wrote:
>>> Use Electron + RapydScript on client side , along with bootstrap or
>>> Material Design Light .
>>> And use PyPy on backend.
>>> you got everything done in python.
>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 12:57 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric
>>>> There has been some success with WxPython, but I don't think anyone
>>>> got pyqt running on PyPy. Cffi is one option with pymetabiosis being
>>>> the other one worth considering. Also I have a bit no clue how much
>>>> CPython C extensions your bindings/qt uses, but we have an emulation
>>>> layer for those that should work as long as the extension plays nicely
>>>> (will be dead slow though)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> fijal
>>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Eric Driggers <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Looking at rewriting a number of my older python2 scripts to python3
>>>> > and was hoping in the mean time to also make all of them play nice
>>>> > with PyPy where possible. However a number of them use pyqt when I
>>>> > needed a GUI. From what I can find QT still does not play nice with
>>>> > PyPy yet, however are there any others? Has there been movement on GUI
>>>> > toolkits/libraries with CFFI/CTypes/cpyext support via pypy?
>>>> >
>>>> > The compatibility wiki has not really had those edited since sometime
>>>> > around early 2013...
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Wondering is all before I try and see myself and spend a few days
>>>> > trying to build them with pypy.
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