For the compatibility wiki, if nothing major changes this week I feel
fine doing a large pass through it to try and update it. So long as
you don't mind me in the meanwhile on IRC asking silly questions about
some of them. I long ago found it to be a useful resource, and it
still places high on search results making it in my opinion something
worth trying to salvage it a bit.

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 12:27 AM, Armin Rigo <> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Thanks for this list that summarizes the situation!  It's information
> that we should put or link to from somewhere (the FAQ?).
> Maybe it should be put in the compatibility wiki, but that wiki looks
> really, really outdated now, to the point that fijal suggested that we
> might as well close it down.  The experiment of crowd-sourcing this
> wiki has failed.
> Nowadays you can, more and more often, go to the other project's
> website or PyPI page and see a mention about the PyPy compatibility
> status there.  But it doesn't help much when gathering a list of all
> GUI toolkits available (say).  So I would say that we should clean up
> from our wiki all projects with "not working" or "unknown" status (go
> check yourself what that project's PyPI page says), and then update it
> to contain at least Eric's list in the "GUI" section.  Does anyone
> feel like doing that?  If not, we will close down the wiki and add the
> list to the FAQ with a date.
> A bientôt,
> Armin.
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