Georg Brandl schrieb:
> David Goodger schrieb:
>> On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 14:56, R. David Murray<> wrote:
>>> I can see it now...the TV and movie track at PyCon 2010,
>>> with attendance mandatory for anyone wanting to participate
>>> in the Core sprint...
>> We actually had a room or two for evening videos at a PyCon (both?) in
>> Dallas. Somebody brought the boxed set of the Flying Circus show and
>> had it running. I fondly recall processing email while chuckling...
>> It wasn't very well attended though.
> There is a slight chance that EuroPython 2011 might come to Germany --
> in this case, some kind of Monty Python showing must be arranged.  As
> you all know, we really can use the education.

Georg, I suggest that you get a head start by watching these youtube

Are there already plans in which city EP11 might be hosted? You know
Spamalot is playing in Cologne, too. :)

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