On 12 March 2017 at 13:58, R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Mar 2017 11:37:21 -0000, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't have a problem with the new "PRs attached to this issue" field
>> - that's of course important to have. But is there any way to not have
>> them generate emails (probably on a per-user basis, as I'm sure
>> there's people who appreciate emails when PRs are added)? I guess the
>> other option is a client-side filter, but I'm not sure how easy it
>> would be to do something like that.
> Kind of telling that Nick asked for a "notify when PR created" feature,
> and you are asking for it to be disabled :)  Yes, it would need to be
> a per-user setting, and currently it is not (it is a global setting
> in Roundup).

Yeah. Personally, I find that I can skim messages, but notifications
(status changes, PRs added, nosy changes, etc) distract me badly. As a
result, when the ratio of notifications gets too high, I end up
feeling like I have no real option but to unsubscribe altogether,
which reduces my involvement drastically. That's not an issue with the
github move per se - prior to github I was basically ignoring all bpo
traffic for precisely that reason anyway. The move has generated a lot
*more* traffic that I haven't filtered yet (things like the devguide
and workflow issue mails) plus the review mails on PRs, and that
prompted me to try to be more selective in my filtering rather than
just switching everything off blindly. Unfortunately, I ended up
switching off PR emails as there wasn't enough context without the bpo
messages, and I may yet switch off the others and go back to my old
mode of operation. But it did make me think nevertheless (hence this

> I'm sure upstream would accept a patch to add a per-user setting for
> this (and other things!).  Since the nosy emails are generated by a
> reactor (a code snippet specific to the tracker instance) it wouldn't
> even *need* to go upstream, and wouldn't be all that hard to write,

As I've no knowledge of Roundup, and not a huge amount of spare time,
I probably won't get round to doing this, but thanks for the pointer.

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