Thank you for the responses and concerns.

I do want to keep this discussion open and ongoing, and I still think that
we do need a set deadline on things.
Currently any undecided PEP is stalled, and no one can pronounce on them.
And we probably won't/can't promote any new core devs until we have new
Someone brought up the idea where core devs would be able to decide/vote on
PEPs and that would affect how we promote core devs.

I hope that having these dates will encourage all of us to prioritize this
issue and coming up with a solution.
If the deadline of January 1st is too short, please propose alternate
dates, but it should not be "whenever".

We may very well end up not having any kind of governance body
> initially and use a simple democratic voting scheme for any
> issues which may arise.

I see this as one proposal of a governance body, and it's acceptable if you
want to propose that we go this route for X years and re-evaluate it again.

It should be ok for us to choose one governance model this time, but decide
on something else next.

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