On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 7:56 AM Marco Sulla
<marco.sulla.pyt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 at 23:33, Tim Peters <tim.pet...@gmail.com>
> wrote:ople have said now, including me, they had no idea what
> > you meant.by "I pretend your immediate excuses". It's not a complaint
> > that it's expressed inelegantly, but that they can't make _any_ sense
> > of it. By my count, this is at least the second time you've declined
> > to explain what you meant, but instead implied the person who said
> > they couldn't understand it was being dishonest.
> I repeat, even the worst AI will understand from the context what I
> meant. But let me do a very rude example:
> What if I said to Steven "I pretend immediate <not quoted>? Do you
> think you and the others will not understand the sense? :D
> C'Mon, you are offending my poor intelligence.
> As I wanted to say, I pretend from Steven his excuses for his
> insinuation, immediately. Is this clear now, or must I take an English
> course at Cambridge?

Originally "pretend" meant "falsely lay claim to". For instance, King
Fred the Seventeenth was King of Elbonia, but Joe Random told everyone
that he was the King of Elbonia, and thus is considered a "pretender
to the throne".

The young Alice Liddell (famous because of Wonderland) mutated the
word by playing "let's pretend" , in which she and others would
play-act something. That's where the most common modern usage comes
from; I could pretend that I'm a hungry hyaena, and behave

The construct "pretend immediate" sounds to me like something out of a
programming language. But without context, there is no way for us to
understand what you mean.

I've no idea what sort of data your AI gets trained on, but at best,
there is a massive cultural gap between you and everyone else in this
conversation, because not one person has spoken up to say that your
words meant anything to them.

Even with this partial explanation you have given, I don't know how to
interpret "[you] pretend from Steven his excuses". Are you falsely
laying claim to them? No, that doesn't make sense. Are you play-acting
that Steven has some excuses when he actually doesn't? That doesn't
make much more sense. Is it wonky grammar and you meant to say that
you "believe Steven's excuses are a pretence"? That would be a VERY
awkward way of wording it, but even then, the reformulated version
doesn't fit the context very well either.

Please, when people don't understand you, *USE DIFFERENT WORDS*. Don't
repeat the same words. Give us some sort of hope of comprehending you.

(I'm pretty sure this post was a waste of my, and everyone else's,
time. I hold out some shred of hope that it was not.)

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