On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 at 03:15, Tim Peters <tim.pet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You think Steven was indirectly accusing you of unethical behavior
> (trolling for StackOverflow upvotes)?. That's not the sense I got from
> his original reply, but I can understand it if you did. If that's your
> complaint, I'll leave it to Steven to say what his intent was - and,
> if appropriate, to apologize for unintended offense.

Thank you.

> This isn't about advanced English usage. It's about the ordinary
> meanings of ordinary words in (what should be!) simple contexts.  If I
> said to you
> Capisco con il pesce il nodo insolito!
> I doubt you'd suggest I study Italian at the University of Bologna ;-)

I suppose the incompressible phrase, per se, could be code of the
programming language Monicelli, la supercazzola:


Anyway, I suppose the phrase will be clear in the context ;-)

PS: comunque rimani sempre un geniaccio

PPS: @Chris: "pretend" derives from latin praetendere, pre-tendere, to
tend first. Anyway, blame Google:
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