El dom, 9 ene 2022 a las 10:50, Chris Angelico (<ros...@gmail.com>)

> On Mon, Jan 10, 2022 at 3:49 AM Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > > If "x->y" is syntactically valid anywhere in Python code, it's not a
> > problem that there are no core data types for which it's meaningful.)
> >
> > Here's where I'm not so sure -- this looks a lot like a binary operator,
> but it behaves quite differently. IIUC it would always create a Callable,
> regardless of what the types were of the two other types. And it would not
> invoke a dinder on either, yes.
> >
> > Nor would it be like assignment.
> >
> > This is even worse than the use of [] in type hinting which is also
> using the same sytax for a very different meaning -- at least that one is
> stil calling __getitem__ :-)
> >
> From my understanding, "x->y" would create a Callable if given two
> *types*, but its meaning if given two other objects is still
> undefined. So there's still room for it to be an operator, just like
> [] is, and for it to be given semantic meaning for the 'type' type and
> all of its subclasses. Or alternatively, there's room for it to be
> given meaning in a completely different way, but still universally
> (there's a proposal for it to be a form of inline function, although
> I'm not 100% sure of the details there).

With the current iteration of PEP 677, `(x) -> y` would return a special
object (defined in the `types` module) that simply holds whatever `x` and
`y` evaluate to. You could put whatever expression you want at runtime and
it would work, though a static checker may be unhappy with you.

> ChrisA
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