On Sun, Jan 09, 2022 at 01:30:33AM +0100, jack.jan...@cwi.nl wrote:

> In the last year I’ve contributed mods to two packages that were 
> rejected because I hadn’t provided typing (and black formatting, but 
> that’s a different subject). I’ve reluctantly done so. And while I 
> *hated* it because of the unreadability I _do_ like the outcome

Typing is hard because it is often more abstract and less concrete than 
the code you are adding type hints to. It is *metaprogramming*. And it 
involves unfamiliar jargon (covariant, contravariant, typeguards, etc). 
But the annotations themselves are plain ol' Python expressions.

So if you hate type annotations because they are unreadable, then you 
hate Python because Python is unreadable.

There may be some unfamiliarity if you aren't doing a lot of typing 
(what's a ParamSpec?), and due to the use of square brackets instead of 
round, but if you can read expressions:

    spam(eggs | cheese,  aardvark)

then you can read type expressions:

    Spam[Eggs | Cheese, Aardvark]

Creating a whole new language to describe type hints will go against 
that. All the existing complexity of typing will still exist, but on top 
of that, there will *also* be the problem that the syntax used for type 
expressions will *not be Python* but a second language.

Wrapping that second language in t"..." will not change that.

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