Perhaps it's worth remembering that this thread spun off one about adding
syntax to Python because the current syntax isn't capable of easily
expressing an important type hinting concept (i.e. Callable). So arguing
that Python is completely readable for type hints is a bit off-mark, isn't

The question at hand is whether changes in syntax that are desirable for
type hinting should be applied across the board in all of Python.

I think the debate boils down to:

Is it more clear for readers to have two different (but related) related
syntaxes for two different (but related) purposes, or to have one Sytax
that is used in different ways?

Chris A addresses this specifically:

> To that extent, I definitely want to keep annotation syntax and Python
syntax the
same; if there's a new feature needed for annotations, add it to the
base language, even without any useful semantics.

And here's where reasonable people can disagree :-)

> (Valid syntax without semantics is what we have with the matmul
operator. I can syntactically parse "f@g(y)" because I know how the
matmul operator works, even without knowing the data types involved.

Sure: because it's a binary operator like all the other binary operators.

> If "x->y" is syntactically valid anywhere in Python code, it's not a
problem that there are no core data types for which it's meaningful.)

Here's where I'm not so sure -- this looks a lot like a binary operator,
but it behaves quite differently. IIUC it would always create a Callable,
regardless of what the types were of the two other types. And it would not
invoke a dinder on either, yes.

Nor would it be like assignment.

This is even worse than the use of [] in type hinting which is also using
the same sytax for a very different meaning -- at least that one is stil
calling __getitem__ :-)


On Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 8:46 PM Steven D'Aprano <> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 08, 2022 at 06:30:53PM -0800, Ethan Furman wrote:
> > On 1/8/22 5:46 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> >
> > > [...] if you hate type annotations because they are unreadable, then
> you
> > > hate Python because Python is unreadable.
> >
> > Not so.
> Are you disputing that annotations use the same syntax as other Python
> expressions? If not, I don't see how you can deny that "type annotations
> are unreadable" implies "Python expressions are unreadable", which in
> turn implies "Python is unreadable".
> > A simple list comprehension is (usually) quite readable, while a
> > triply-nested list comprehension all on one line is not.
> Indeed. We can abuse any syntax. So do we conclude that comprehensions
> are "unreadable" because we can write obfuscated triply-nested list
> comprehensions?
> > Similarly, adding type information in between a variable name and its
> value
> > is not (for me, and apparently others too) readable.
> I think that "unreadable" or "not readable" is a complaint that gets
> overused, often for the most trivial cases, to the point that it loses
> all credibility. Especially when it comes from people who are fluent in
> C (which may not be you, Ethan).
> "Easily learned", huh. I think that this is one of the clearest examples
> of the curse of knowledge as it applies to programming that one could
> hope to find.
> Anyway, let's compare:
>     # C
>     int n = 44;
>     # Pascal
>     var
>       n: integer;
>     n := 44;
>     # Typescript
>     var n: number = 44;
>     # Java
>     int n = 44;
>     # Python
>     n: int = 44
> There are millions who find the C, Pascal, TypeScript and Java perfectly
> readable. I don't find it credible that people are incapable of
> reading the last one.
> Aside: such a type hint is redundant, as mypy is perfectly capable of
> inferring that n = 44 makes n an int. Style guides should recommend
> against such redundancy, and I would certainly flag that in a code
> review. A better example of a *useful* type hint would be:
>     L: list[str] = []
> > Most horribly of all, cluttering a function header with type information
> is
> > most unreadable.
> I hear you. Adding redundant or unnecessary type hints to parameters
> just for the sake of having type hints is just clutter, especially if
> they are never tested by actually running a type checker over the file.
> (Untested code is broken code. If not right now, it soon will be.)
> Fortunately, we have *gradual typing*, and nobody should be forced to
> use type hints in their projects if they don't want them. Just as we
> don't make linters mandatory, we don't make typing mandatory either.
> I think that, outside of very simple functions, once we make the
> decision to annotate a function, we should space them out:
>     # Better
>     def func(spam: list[str],
>              eggs: float,
>              cheese: str = 'cheddar',
>              aardvark: str|bytes = "",
>              eels: Optional[Tuple[int, str]] = None
>              ) -> Hovercraft:
> which makes them much easier to read.
> Trying to cram them all into one line is abuse of the syntax every bit
> as bad as cramming a triply-nested list comp into one line:
>     # Worse
>     def func(spam: list[str], eggs: float, cheese: str = 'cheddar',
> aardvark: str|bytes = "", eels: Optional[Tuple[int, str]] = None) ->
> Hovercraft:
> I can read it, I just don't want to. It is too much like hard work
> compared to the previous layout.
> Even if you don't run a type-checker, those annotations can make useful
> documentation. (At least *sometimes*.) If the parameter name doesn't
> make it clear what types are allowed, then the annotation can make it
> clear. So if you don't use a static checker, you can think of type
> annotations as introspectable documentation.
> > I started using Python at 2.5.  It was simple, clean, and elegant.
> And I started using Python at 1.5, when the syntax was even simpler and
> cleaner. And to this day I will never forget the first time I read
> Python code, after being told repeatedly how easy to read it, and I
> couldn't make head or tails of it. All those colons and square brackets,
> it might as well have been APL. (Not that I knew what APL was back
> then.)
> I knew what a for-loop was, from Pascal, Hypertalk and HP RPN
> calculators:
>     # Pascal
>     for i := 0 to 10 do
>       begin
>         block;
>       end;
>     # Hypertalk
>     repeat with i = 0 to 10
>       block
>     end repeat
>     # HP-48 RPN language
>     0 10 FOR I block NEXT
> but I kept seeing loops like this in Python:
>     for i in range(11):
> or worse:
>     for somename in [stuff, thing, another_thing, widget]:
> and worse of all:
>     for somename in values[1:-1]:
> Python for loops looked nothing like any for loop I had seen before, and
> they freaked me out, and at the time (early 1990s) there was no publicly
> available internet where I could look anything up or ask for help.
> And then there were the brackets. Why does Python sometimes use round
> brackets, sometimes curly brackets, and sometimes square brackets? x[a]
> versus x(a)? Why were there sometimes colons inside square brackets and
> curly brackets {a:b} but never inside round brackets? What was the
> difference between [1, 2, 3] and (1, 2, 3)?
> The whole thing was intimidating, and I just put Python away for about a
> year and didn't look at it again until I had bought Mark Lutz' "Python
> Pocket Reference" which helped me make sense of it all. That and his
> "Learning Python". And never looked back. (Since then, I've often felt
> that Python has spoiled me from learning other languages.
> The point I am making here is not that I was a dimwit who couldn't even
> read Python, but that "easy to read" and "readable" is more a matter of
> familiarity than an inherent property of the language itself. With
> enough familiarity, even APL is easy to read.
> > If I
> > had stumbled on it at 3.16 with samples, tutorials, and books all
> infused
> > with typing clutter (which *looks* like boiler-plate even if it isn't) I
> > wouldn't have given it a second glance.
> And again, I hear you. I too wish people would tone down their
> enthusiasm for adding typing to examples that don't need type hints.
> We should remember that type hints are a feature aimed at large code
> bases, where static typing really is valuable. For three line example
> functions, not so much, not even as documentation.
> --
> Steve
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