If something gets left in 3.0.1 and then ripped-out in 3.1, I think we're
doing more harm than good.  Very little code has been ported to 3.0
so far.  One there is a base, all changes become more difficult.

In the interests of our users, I vote for sooner than later.

Also, 3.0 is a special case because it is IMO a broken release.
AFAICT, it is not in any distro yet.  Hopefully, no one will keep it around
and it will vanish silently.


----- Original Message ----- I have no problem with removing things that were advertised and/or documented to be removed in 3.0 but accidentally were not. That seems like a reasonable policy to me. However, if we did not tell people that something was going to be removed, then I don't think we can really remove it in 3.0.

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