[Matthew Wilkes]
I didn't know 3.0 is considered a broken release, but teething troubles are to be expected. Knowing this, I would be reluctant to use 3.0.1, it sounds like too small a change.

Not to worry.  Many of the major language features are stable
and many of the rough edges are quickly getting ironed-out.
Over time, anything that's slow will get optimized and all will be well.

What we're discussing are subtlies of major vs minor releases.
When the tp_compare change goes in, will it affect third-party
C extensions enough to warrant a 3.1 name instead of 3.0.1?
Are users better served by removing operator.isSequenceType()
in 3.0.1 while there are still few early adopers and few converted
third-party modules or will we help them more by warning them in advance and waiting for 3.1.

The nice thing about the IO speedups is that the API is already
set and won't change.  So, the speedup doesn't really affect whether
the release gets named 3.0.1 or 3.1.  The important part is that
we get it out as soon as it's solid so that we don't preclude adoption
by users who need fast IO.

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