Brett Cannon wrote:
> I think the question the PEP is posing is "will python-dev accept the
> Unladen Swallow work to add an LLVM JIT into the py3k trunk?" My
> personal answer is "yes" as it's a nice speed improvement for code that
> runs more than once, all while being an optional enhancement for those
> that don't want it (whether it is memory, startup, or C++ dependency).
> And as for the whole Hg branch thing, this is to merge all of this into
> the main branch and not relegate it to some side branch.

Count me as another +1 for a py3k-jit branch that gets merged to the
py3k main line of development once all the blocking bugs are fixed. I
see this as very similar to the fairly long lived python-ast compiler
branch that eventually landed on the trunk for 2.5.

It would also act as a rather nice carrot for any developers asking
"What's in it for me?" in migrating from 2.x to 3.x :)


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
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