On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Steve Howell <showel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> It seems to me that the goal of keeping lists super-compact from a memory 
> standpoint is contradicted by the code in list_resize that optimistically 
> preallocates extra memory on appends.

Ah, but that applies for *large* lists. Adding 8 bytes to each list
object applies to *all* lists. I betcha that many programs use many
tiny lists.

If I had a program that was growing and shrinking a list at both ends,
I'd consider a deque. If I had a program that was growing and
shrinking a list at the front, I'd consider maintaining the data
backwards. Extensive use of pop(0) (and insert(0, x) I suppose) is
only defensible if you also need to access the data by index and
negative indexes are not an option. Think about that.

> I'm not arguing against the tradeoff there, as I think that optimization has 
> a way more compelling CPU gain for most applications than the optimizations 
> I'm proposing.  What I'm really saying is that there is some precedent to 
> waste a little memory to make CPython lists run faster.  My gut says that the 
> trend of the future is more CPU scarcity than memory scarcity, but that's 
> just a WAG.

I'm no expert in this area, but considering the cost of cache misses,
I'm not so sure about that.

> Just more food for thought--doing the memory management within listobject.c 
> is really a workaround to the limitations of the underlying memory manager.  
> It seems conceptually possible to me to design a memory manager that allows 
> you to shrink and extend memory chunks on both sides, without any extra 
> memory overhead for bookkeeping.  I'm sure the devils in the details, of 
> course.

Maybe, but that's a project of a different magnitude altogether. For
better or for worse, the assumption is widely made that blocks are
represented by a pointer to the start plus a length. And considering
zero to have special properties has pretty good mathematical backup of
you ask me. :-)

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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