After reading the discussion in the previous thread, signed in to #python and verified that the intro message starts with a lie about python3. I also verified that the official #python site links to "Python Commandment Don't use Python 3… yet". The excuse that the negative commandment site is not part of the official site is does not wash. The #python site maintainer choose that as the authoritative word on the topic "On using Python 2.x or Python 3.x".

Since a fair, half-intelligent person would know that the usability of Python3 depends on the user, this all strikes as conscious sabotage.

To me, this, along with other reports, is really ugly. I do not wish to fight such people; but I would rather ask python3 questions in a pro- rather than anti-python3 atmosphere. #python is certainly not a place that I would refer new people to.

Given that the 'owners' of #python have been asked and refuse to remove their negative-opinion-stated-as-leading-headline-fact, it seems to me that we need a separate #python3 channel. The topic could be "Welcome to discussion of Python3, the latest, greated version of Python." The first link might be to the current stable Python3 docs. Hence the '!' in the subject line.

HoweverI have very little experience with IRC and consequently have little idea what getting a permanent, owned, channel like #python entails. Hence the '?' that follows.

What do others think?

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