On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 16:19, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> Georg and I have been working on converting the SVN repository to
> Mercurial. We can now present you a test repository (actually, two).

Thanks to the both of you for moving this forward!

> CPython repository: http://hg.python.org/cpython/
> ------------------
> This is the main conversion repository. It contains all history of
> trunk and py3k (since 1990!) up to now, including all maintenance
> branches starting from 2.0 up to 3.2.
> If you are a core developer, get your local clone of the repository
> using:
>    $ hg clone ssh://h...@hg.python.org/cpython
> (this uses the same SSH key as your Subversion access; for more
> information about Mercurial and SSH keys, see the converted development
> FAQ: http://potrou.net/hgdevguide/faq.html#faq )
> If you are not a core developer:
>    $ hg clone http://hg.python.org/cpython
> Your clone will contain the following branches:
>    $ hg branches
>    default                    68026:f12ef116dd10
>    3.2                        68025:cef92ee1a323
>    2.7                        68010:8174d00d0797
>    3.1                        67955:5be8b695ea86
>    2.6                        67287:5e26a860eded
>    2.5                        65464:e4ecac76e499
>    trunk                      62750:800f6c92c3ed
>    3.0                        60075:1d05144224fe
>    2.4                        58552:df72cac1899e
>    2.3                        45731:a3d9a9730743
>    2.2                        40444:d55ddc8c8501
>    2.1                        30171:06fcccf6eca8
>    2.0                        18214:dc0dfc9565cd
> The branch "default" is the current py3k branch from SVN. The branch
> "trunk" represents SVN trunk history until 2.7 was branched for
> maintenance.

Just to help justify it in my head, the trunk branch exists for the history
and nothing more, right? I mean we are not even accepting commits on it
after we branched so I assume there is no real new history there compared to
2.7. Could we actually close the branch so it isn't even visible by default
to prevent confusing people?


> The full list of tags is too long to print here, but you can get it
> using:
>    $ hg tags
> The size of the repository on-disk is (depending on your filesystem):
>    $ du -hs .hg
>    176M    .hg
> (the size of the network transfer is estimated to be around 80MB)
> You can commit and even push to this repository (the latter if you are a
> core developer).  Since this is a test repository, whatever you push
> will be discarded when we do the final conversion.
> CPython with extra history: http://hg.python.org/cpythonextrahist/
> --------------------------
> This repository is bigger, and has a much more complicated topology. It
> is a superset of the other repository, and contains the totality of the
> branches from the SVN repository (it has more than 450 repository
> heads, of which 87 non-closed). It also weighs quite a bit more:
>    $ du -hs .hg
>    248M    .hg
> This repository is unnecessary for development work, since even for
> history-digging purposes the normal repository has the necessary
> information. This repository is only to preserve historical record of
> some of the non-trunk development work from the SVN repository (such
> as orphaned/deleted feature branches).

Just to give a comparison to svn, release-27maint is 243M and py3k is 231M
(and that is with `make distclean` run). IOW the complete history of all
branches of Python is just 5M bigger than just a checkout of 2.7.


> Development guide: http://potrou.net/hgdevguide/
> -----------------
> This is the development guide adapted for Mercurial.  You can get its
> sources from the branch "hg_transition" in
> http://hg.python.org/devguide/.
> Regards
> Antoine.
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