Le 28/07/2011 06:10, Benjamin Peterson a écrit :
there any reason to continue using codecs.open()?

It's the easiest way to write Unicode friendly code that spans both 2.x and 3.x.

Even on 2.6, where the io module exists?

io on 2.6 is fairly broken and dead slow. The advantage of codecs.open
is it hasn't changed in the very long time. It still has the same
reliable buggy behavior no matter what version you're on.

I don't see the problem with leaving codecs.open() to rot a few more
releases before deprecating it while leaving messaging in the docs
suggesting io.*.

All these points were already discussed before.

There is a subsection in "Backwards Compatibility" section in the PEP 400 explaining why codecs.open is NOT deprecated:


"codecs.open() can be replaced by the builtin open() function. open() has a similar API but has also more options. Both functions return file-like objects (same API).

codecs.open() was the only way to open a text file in Unicode mode until Python 2.6. Many Python 2 programs uses this function. Removing codecs.open() implies more work to port programs from Python 2 to Python 3, especially projets using the same code base for the two Python versions (without using 2to3 program).

codecs.open() is kept for backward compatibility with Python 2."

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