On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 2:23 AM Nicholas Cole <nicholas.c...@gmail.com>

> One issue for me is that the trivial case is already a one-liner:
> if a is None: a = 10

Yes, if you have no indentation and a 1-character name, then it fits on a
single line. If you have a longer expression and/or side effects, then it's
not a one-liner anymore.

> And that leads to a simple question: how many times does this actually
> occur in real-world by python code? -- i.e. how many times do I want
> to check the value of an existing label, and, finding it is None (and
> None specifically), then assign it a value?
> What does a scan through the existing core library say?

Please read the PEP before you shoot it down. It answers this _exact_
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