On Tue, Jul 24, 2018, 5:50 AM Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:

> But what certainly *is* implicity is David Mertz' suggestion for a
> magical None-aware proxy:
>     x.attribute
> The only way to tell whether that was an ordinary attribute lookup or a
> none-aware lookup would be to carefully inspect x and find out whether it
> was an instance of the None-aware proxy class or not.

Every use I've suggested for the magic proxy is similar to:


Yes, the class is magic. That much more so in the library I published last
night that utilizes wrapt.ObjectProxy. But it's also pretty explicit in
that an actual *word* announces that funny stuff is going to happen on the
same line.

Of course the this could be abused with:

  cfg = NoneCoalesce(cfg)
  ... 1000 lines ...

But then, I could also write a property that actually started a computation
of the millionth digit of pi while launching a DDoS attack on python.org
when a user accessed 'x.attribute'.

NoneCoalesce or GreedyAccess are magic, but in their intended use, they are
as little magical as possible to deal with messy nested data.
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