> On Mar 23, 2020, at 16:57, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> I shouldn't need to say this, but for the record I am not proposing and 
> do not want set equality to support lists; nor do I see the need for a 
> new method to perform "equivalent to equality" tests; but if the 
> consensus is that sets should have that method, I would prefer it to be 
> given the simpler name:
>   set.superset  # not .equivalent_to_superset
>   set.subset    # not .equivalent_to_subset
>   set.equals    # not some variation of .equivalent_to_equals

The existing methods are named issubset and issuperset (and isdisjoint, which 
doesn’t have an operator near-equivalent). Given that, would you still want 
equals instead of isequal or something?

Personally, I don’t like the idea of an “equals” method. Maybe it’s just 
Scheme/Smalltalk/ObjC/Ruby/etc. flashbacks, but a builtin type having an equals 
method that’s different from the == operator makes me expect some horrible 
convention where all types have two or more ways to check different notions of 
equality, and generally == is stricter than eq is stricter than eql is stricter 
than equals (although IIRC it’s the other way round in Ruby?), but every time 
you read any comparison you have to go look at the type’s help to see exactly 
what “stricter” means for that type.

So, I’d rather have an uglier, more explicit, and more obviously 
specific-to-set name like iscoextensive. Sure, not everyone will know what 
“coextensive” means, but people who don’t know will not have any use for a 
method that means “compare these things for equality as if they were sets even 
though they may not be sets” in the first place.

Of course that’s assuming _anyone_ has a need for this method, and I suspect 
you’re right that it’s rare enough (and easy enough to work around) that we 
don’t need to add anything in the first place.

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