>>> On Mar 23, 2020, at 19:52, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 06:03:06PM -0700, Andrew Barnert wrote:
>> The existing methods are named issubset and issuperset (and
>> isdisjoint, which doesn’t have an operator near-equivalent). Given
>> that, would you still want equals instead of isequal or something?
> Oops! I mean, aha, you passed my test to see if you were paying 
> attention, well done!
> *wink*
> I would be satisfied by "isequal", if the method were needed.
>> So, I’d rather have an uglier, more explicit, and more obviously
>> specific-to-set name like iscoextensive. Sure, not everyone will know
>> what “coextensive” means
> That's an unnecessary use of jargon

As far as I’m aware (and your MathWorld search bears this out), “coextensive” 
isn’t mathematical jargon. I chose it because of its ordinary (if not 
super-common) English meaning. For example, the charter of the City of San 
Francisco says that the city is coextensive with the County of San Francisco, 
meaning that any bit of land in the city is in the county and vice-versa. I’m 
sure it’s not the only word that’s close enough to be pressed into service 
(historical Christian theology has to be full of words for similar ideas, 
right?); as I said; it’s just the first one that came to mind. Maybe something 
longer like has_same_elements would be better. But I would be a little 
surprised if any really common single word got the idea across.

> that doesn't add clarity or 
> precision and can only add confusion. Outside of the tiny niche of 
> people trying to prove the foundations of mathematics in first-order 
> logic and set theory, when mathematicians want to say two sets are 
> equal, they say they are equal, they don't use the term “coextensive”.

Sure, but in math, just as in Python, a set is never equal to a list (with a 
tiny foundations asterisk that isn’t relevant, but I’ll mention it below). 

So when mathematicians want to say a set is equal to a list… well, they just 
don’t say that, because it isn’t true, and usually isn’t even a meaningful 
question in the first place.

> See, for example, Mathworld, which uses "=" in the usual way:
> https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Set.html

And in Python, it’s spelled “==“ instead of “=“, but otherwise, it already 
works the same way.

> and doesn't even have a definition for “coextensive”:
> https://mathworld.wolfram.com/search/?query=coextensive&x=0&y=0

Sure. In fact, I suspect there’s no standard symbol or name for this operation. 
Just like there’s no standard name for “divisible by 3 but not by 2”, there’s 
no standard name for “not necessarily equal, but the sets of their respective 
elements are equal”. Those descriptions are way too long for method names even 
in Objective C, much less Python, but that doesn’t mean you can call a method 
for the former “isodd”, or the latter “isequal”, because those names more 
strongly imply a much more commonly useful operation than they do the one 
you’re intending.

Of course (both in math and in Python) probably you just write the 1-liner 
in-line, or maybe give it a “local” name and expect people to refer to the 
definition only 10 lines above. We only really need a good, meaningful, 
non-confusing name for this operation if it’s really important enough to add as 
a builtin method.

> The foundations of mathematics is one of those things which are 
> extremely over-represented on the Internet

Well, you’re the only one who brought up foundations here, and in the same 
email where you’re railing against people talking about foundations on the 
internet, so I’m not sure what the point is.

My guess is that you saw Greg, Marc-Andre, etc. talking about sets in 
mathematics and naturally thought “oh no, here comes irrelevant mathematical 
logic”, but there isn’t any; the reason sets came up is that we’re talking 
about set operations on Python set objects, and it’s pretty hard to talk about 
what issubset means/should mean without talking about sets. (And the message 
you’re replying to here doesn’t even do that; it’s just about the practical 
issues of equals methods in programming languages.)

But I’ll give it something to be retroactively sequitur to, that tiny asterisk 
mentioned above: When you’re dealing with foundations, you do often define 
everything, including lists, as sets, so picking one common set of definitions 
arbitrarily, {1,{1,{2,{2,3}}}} = [1,2,3] is actually true. But that isn’t 
relevant, and wouldn’t be relevant even if all mathematicians were always 
worried about foundations and always used those particular definitions, because 
that obviously isn’t the operation the other Steve is looking for.

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