On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 13:26:13 +0300
Omer Katz <omer.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I pointed out a use case for Brotli & HTTP2 as a concrete example for why
> it'd be more convenient to include brotli as a module.
> I'm sure there are other cases I haven't thought about.
> I don't understand why LZMA should be included while zstd or brotli
> shouldn't.
> What's the actual policy here?

The main policy requirement is a maintainer willing to shepherd
inclusion and then maintain the module in the stdlib.  One person
volunteered at some point to do that for LZMA, and it had desirabled
characteristics as a compression algorithm, so it happened.

(and when LZMA was included in 2011, ZStandard didn't even exist AFAIK)



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