On Thu, Apr 07, 2022 at 11:18:57PM -0000, Brian McCall wrote:
> > What does it *really* matter which of these you write?
> > that's just arguing over the colour of the bikeshed.
> > you have shown nothing to justify why unit support must be built 
> > into the language itself.
> I did what I could, but I'm not going to try and justify any more.

But that's my point, you haven't tried to justify why units need to be 
built-in to the language except to declare that they must and that a 
library won't cut it.

I'm sympathetic to that view, but "Trust me, I'm right!" is not going to 
sway the core developers or the Steering Council.

You're a scientist, think of this as a grant proposal. Convince us.

> At the end of the day, units are a core part of science and 
> engineering.

There are many things which are core to science and engineering but 
aren't part of the core Python language. What makes units of 
measurements more special than, say, numpy arrays or dataframes?

The numpy/scipy/pandas stack is HUGE in scientific Python, and it is not 
built into the language. nltk is a very big, powerful library used for 
computational linguistics, and its not built into the core language.

If there is something critical in units that requires core language 
support, what is it?

> Scientists and engineers are freaking passionate about 
> units. More and more of them are also being expected to write code to 
> do their jobs. To me that says it's going to happen at some point.

People have been talking about unifying units into programming languages 
since the 1970s, in Fortran and Pascal.

Ada has had support for measurement units since at least 2003 and 
probably earlier.


(Sorry, not a free link.)

Both F# (2005) and Swift (2014) also support units in the core language.

I've also mentioned Frink, and HP calculator "RPL" language supports 
units. HP has supported them since the mid 1980s. Java, C++, C#, 
Javascript, Ruby and others all have units libraries.


"These types of libraries do already exist, several hundreds in fact. 
The problem thus is not the lack of these solutions but the opposite 
that they are so numerous that it is hard to get an overview."


So for scientists who want units of measurement support, there are many 
existing solutions they can use today. Why are those solutions 
insufficient, and what can be done about it?

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