On 12/09/2023 11:54, Dom Grigonis wrote:
Yes, Thank you!

So 2 solutions now. They both solve what I have encountered. Beyond that, they 
differ by:

a) f-string print(f’{=a.method}’)   # ‘a.method’
        No new builtin needed.
        Simply reprints expression representation.

I don't understand your semantics either.  What would be the difference between your proposed
and simply writing

Would it be just that the syntax inside the curly braces is checked for legality,
so that
would not be allowed (presumably it would cause a SyntaxError)

Or do you want to check that the expression can be evaluated at run time?
You could achieve that by simply writing

As for the example in your first post:
var = 710
variable_name = [k fork, v inlocals().items()ifv == 710][0]
print("Your variable name is "+ variable_name)

it does "work", but it doesn't make much sense with Python's semantics.  You could have two identifiers bound to the same object; which one you got hold of would be essentially random.

Rob Cliffe
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