Peter Hansen wrote:
Bob Smith wrote:

Attached is the code. Run it yourself and see. You too Peter. Be gentle with me, this was my first attempt with threads.

Thanks, Bob, and I will, but not before you answer some of my

I had good reasons to ask them, one of which is that I don't
feel like wasting my time if, for example, you are using an
older version of Python that *did* have a memory leak.

2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

The most important answers you can provide will be versions, platform (pretty clearly Linux, but please confirm and give version), and what "bombs" means and how you are measuring the memory leak.

WinXP Home, Service Pack 2, AMD 1400MHz proc, 256MB Ram Debian Linux Testing (2.4.28 vanilla Kernel) 3GHz P4 proc, 1.5GB Ram

(I presume you're using a version of nmap that's compiled for Windows XP then?

Yes, I am.

It's certainly not standard.

That's a matter of opinion. Nmap works fine on the WinXP machine.

How have
you proven that it is not *that* program which is at fault?)

I have not. All I know is that on WinXP, the program uses 100% CPU at times and consumes more Ram than is available (the page file grows to 700 or 800MB). It runs OK for a few hours and then produces a 'not enough resources' error. And, the machine is generally unuserable. On Linux, it has no impact whatsoever on resources. Granted, the Linux machine is much more robust, but one wouldn't expect this great a difference. I can rewrite it so that it's pure Pyhton (no calling nmap) if you think that would be a good idea. Perhaps that would at least remove nmap from the equation.

I can run it if you like and take a screen shot of the error. You'll have to give me a few hours though ;)

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