On 9 Αύγ, 13:47, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> Νίκος wrote:
> > On 9 Αύγ, 13:06, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> >> > So since its utf-8 what the problem of opening it?
> >> Python says it's not, and I tend to believe it.
> > You are right!
> > I tried to do the same exact openign via IDLE enviroment and i goth
> > the encoding of the file from there!
> >>>> open("d:\\test\\index.php" ,'r')
> > <_io.TextIOWrapper name='d:\\test\\index.php' encoding='cp1253'>
> > Thats why in the error in my previous post it said
> > File "C:\Python32\lib\encodings\cp1253.py", line 23, in decode
> > it tried to use the cp1253 encoding.
> > But now sicne Python as we see can undestand the nature of the
> > encoding what causing it not to open the file?
> It doesn't. You have to tell.

Why it doesn't? The idle response designates that it knows that file
encoding is in "cp1253" which means it can identify it.

*If* the file uses cp1253 you can open it with
> open(..., encoding="cp1253")
> Note that if the file is not in cp1253 python will still happily open it as
> long as it doesn't contain the following bytes:
> >>> for i in range(256):
> ...     try: chr(i).decode("cp1253") and None
> ...     except: print i
> ...
> 129
> 136
> 138
> 140
> 141
> 142
> 143
> 144
> 152
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> 210
> 255
> Peter

I'm afraid it does because whn i tried:

f = open(src_f, 'r', encoding="cp1253" )

i got the same error again.....what are those characters?Dont they
belong too tot he same weird 'cp1253' encoding? Why compiler cant open


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