On 9 Αύγ, 21:05, Thomas Jollans <tho...@jollybox.de> wrote:
> On Monday 09 August 2010, it occurred to Νίκος to exclaim:
> > On 9 Αύγ, 19:21, Peter Otten <__pete...@web.de> wrote:
> > > Νίκος wrote:
> > > > Please tell me that no matter what weird charhs has inside ic an still
> > > > open thosie fiels and make the neccessary replacements.
> > > Go back to 2.6 for the moment and defer learning about unicode until
> > > you're done with the conversion job.
> > You are correct again! 3.2 caused the problem, i switched to 2.7 and
> > now i donyt have that problem anymore. File is openign okey!
> > it ALMOST convert correctly!
> > # replace tags
> > print ( 'replacing php tags and contents within' )
> > src_data = re.sub( '<\?(.*?)\?>', '', src_data )
> > it only convert the first instance of php tages and not the rest?
> > But why?
> http://docs.python.org/library/re.html#re.S
> You probably need to pass the re.DOTALL flag.

 src_data = re.sub( '<\?(.*?)\?>', '', src_data, re.DOTALL )

like this?

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