On 9 Αύγ, 10:07, Νίκος <nikos.the.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now the code looks as follows:
> =============================
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import re, os, sys
> id = 0  # unique page_id
> for currdir, files, dirs in os.walk('test'):
>         for f in files:
>                 if f.endswith('php'):
>                         # get abs path to filename
>                         src_f = join(currdir, f)
>                         # open php src file
>                         print ( 'reading from %s' % src_f )
>                         f = open(src_f, 'r')
>                         src_data = f.read()             # read contents of 
> PHP file
>                         f.close()
>                         # replace tags
>                         print ( 'replacing php tags and contents within' )
>                         src_data = re.sub( '<?(.*?)?>', '', src_data )
>                         # add ID
>                         print ( 'adding unique page_id' )
>                         src_data = ( '<!-- %d -->' % id ) + src_data
>                         id += 1
>                         # add template variables
>                         print ( 'adding counter template variable' )
>                         src_data = src_data.replace('</body>', 
> '<br><br><center><h4><font
> color=green> Αριθμός Επισκεπτών: %(counter)d </body>' )
>                         # rename old php file to new with .html extension
>                         src_file = src_file.replace('.php', '.html')
>                         # open newly created html file for inserting data
>                         print ( 'writing to %s' % dest_f )
>                         dest_f = open(src_f, 'w')
>                         dest_f.write(src_data)          # write contents
>                         dest_f.close()
> I just tried to test it. I created a folder names 'test' in me 'd:\'
> drive.
> Then i have put to .php files inside form the original to test if it
> would work ok for those too files before acting in the whole copy and
> after in the original project.
> so i opened a 'cli' form my Win7 and tried
> D:\>convert.py
> D:\>
> Itsjust printed an empty line and nothign else. Why didn't even try to
> open the folder and fiels within?
> Syntactically it doesnt ghive me an error!
> Somehting with os.walk() methos perhaps?

Can you help in this too please?

Now iam able to just convrt a single file 'd:\test\index.php'

But these needs to be done for ALL the php files in every subfolder.

> for currdir, files, dirs in os.walk('test'):
>         for f in files:
>                 if f.endswith('php'):

Should the above lines enter folders and find php files in each folder
so to be edited?

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