Νίκος wrote:

The ID number of each php page was contained in the old php code
within this string

PageID = some_number

So instead of create a new ID number for eaqch page i have to pull out
this number to store to the beginnign to the file as comment line,
because it has direct relationship with the mysql database as in
tracking the number of each webpage and finding the counter of it.

# Grab the PageID contained within the php code and store it in id
id = re.search( 'PageID = ', src_data )

How to tell Python to Grab that number after 'PageID = ' string and to
store it in var id that a later use in the program?

If the part of the file you're trying to match look like this:

    PageID = 12

then the regex should look like this:

    PageID = (\d+)

and the code should look like this:

    page_id = re.search(r'PageID = (\d+)', src_data).group(1)

The page_id will, of course, be a string.

also i made another changewould something like this work:

# open same php file for storing modified data
print ( 'writing to %s' % dest_f )
f = open(src_f, 'w')

# rename edited .php file to .html extension
dst_f = src_f.replace('.php', '.html')
os.rename( src_f, dst_f )

Because instead of creating a new .html file and inserting the desired
data of the old php thus having two files(old php, and new html) i
decided to open the same php file for writing that data and then
rename it to html.
Would the above code work?

Why wouldn't it?

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