Νίκος wrote:
  File "D:\convert.py", line 34
SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xce' in file D:\convert.py on line
34, but no
 encoding declared; see http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0263.html for


What does it refering too? what character cannot be identified?

Line 34 is:

src_data = src_data.replace( '</body>', '<br><br><center><h4><font
color=green> Αριθμός Επισκεπτών: %(counter)d </body>' )

Didn't you say that you're using Python 2.7 now? The default file
encoding will be ASCII, but your file isn't ASCII, it contains Greek
letters. Add the encoding line:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

and check that the file is saved as UTF-8.


for currdir, files, dirs in os.walk('test'):

        for f in files:

                if f.lower().endswith("php"):

in the above lines

should i state  os.walk('test') or  os.walk('d:\test') ?

The path 'test' is relative to the current working directory. Is that
D:\ for your script? If not, then it won't find the (correct) folder.

It might be better to use an absolute path instead. You could use


(note that I've made it a raw string because it contains a backslash
which I want treated as a literal backslash) or:


(Windows should accept a slash as well as of a backslash.)

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