On 10 April 2013 09:28, Steven D'Aprano
<steve+comp.lang.pyt...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 23:04:35 -0700, rusi wrote:
> I think it is quite unfair of you to mischaracterise the entire community
> response in this way. One person made a light-hearted, silly, unhelpful
> response. (As sarcasm, I'm afraid it missed the target.) Two people made
> good, sensible responses -- and you were not either of them.

Enough already with the thought police.

It was me who made the silly reply to the guy who was ranting about
everything being broken, giving us nothing to help in on, ending his
message in an edifying and in my judgement, largely rhetorical
"Suggestions?".  So I gave him some silly suggestions (*not* intended
to be sarcasm), and I'm not apologising for it.  At least I'm not
presuming to take the moral high ground at every half-opportunity.

Recently I gave a very quick reply to someone who was wondering why he
couldn't get the docstring from his descriptor - I didn't have the
time to expand because two of my kids had jumped on my knees almost as
soon as I'd got on the computer.  I decided to post the reply anyway
as I thought it would give the OP something to get started on and
nobody else seemed to have replied so far - but I got remonstrated for
not being complete enough in my reply!  What is that about?

AFAIK, this is not Python Customer Service, but a place for people who
are interested in Python to discuss problems and *freely* exchange
thoughts about the language and its ecosystem.  Over the year I've
posted the occasional silly message but I think my record is
overwhelmingly that I've tried to be helpful, and when I've needed
some help myself, I've got some great advice.  My first question on
this list was answered by Alex Martelli and nowadays I get most
excellent and concise tips from Peter Otten - thanks, Peter! If
there's one person on this list I don't want to offend, it's you!

So here's to lots more good and bad humour on this list, and the
occasional slightly un-pc remark even!



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