On 26/05/2013 18:52, RVic wrote:
Suppose I have a deck of cards, and I shuffle them

import random
cards = []
decks = 6
cards = list(range(13 * 4 * decks))

So now I have an array of cards. I would like to cut these cards at some random 
point (between 1 and 13 * 4 * decks - 1, moving the lower half of that to the 
top half of the cards array.

For some reason, I can't see how this can be done (I know that it must be a 
simple line or two in Python, but I am really stuck here). Anyone have any 
direction they can give me on this? Thanks, RVic, python newbie

The list from its start up to, but excluding, index 'i' is cards[ : i],
and the list from index 'i' to its end is cards[i : ].

Now concatenate them those slices.

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