On 26/05/2013 23:42, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Carlos Nepomuceno
<carlosnepomuc...@outlook.com> wrote:
Thanks guys! I've been delaying my dive into Python 3 (because I don't need it 
for now) but I'd like to run some code just to learn how different it is from 
Python 2 and even other Python flavors.

So, I'd like to know if it's possible to have multiple Python installations on 
the same machine (Windows 7 in my particular case) without messing one with 
each other. What care must I take not to mess up with them?

Easy. Just grab the standard installer and hit it. You'll get two
separate directories (or more; I have \Python26, \Python27, \Python32,
\Python33 on this box), and you can run whichever you want. The one
thing to take care of is .py associations; I haven't actually done it
(on here, all I actually do is IDLE, pretty much), but as of 3.3, you
should be able to use a Unix-style shebang to indicate which Python
you want to invoke.


See this http://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.3.html#pep-397-python-launcher-for-windows

If you're using GoogleCrap™ please read this http://wiki.python.org/moin/GoogleGroupsPython.

Mark Lawrence


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