> Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 08:42:56 +1000
> Subject: Re: Cutting a deck of cards
> From: ros...@gmail.com
> Easy. Just grab the standard installer and hit it. You'll get two
> separate directories (or more; I have \Python26, \Python27, \Python32,
> \Python33 on this box), and you can run whichever you want. The one
> thing to take care of is .py associations; I haven't actually done it
> (on here, all I actually do is IDLE, pretty much), but as of 3.3, you
> should be able to use a Unix-style shebang to indicate which Python
> you want to invoke.
> ChrisA

I'm not even using shebangs in Windows because I thought it wouldn't make any 
difference. I'm used to run scripts like "python filename.py" from the command 
line. No problem!

So, Python 3.3 will honor if I insert "#!C:\Python27\python.exe"? if I install 
it after Python 2.7? Cool!!!                                       

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