On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Denis McMahon <denismfmcma...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:02:20 +0300, Ferrous Cranus wrote:
> > We need to try it to see if it will work, or perhaps we can alter both
> > the hostname and ip address variables on the server to some other values
> > so that google will use them too.
> >
> > It will not detect the real hostname or the real ip this way since both
> > values will be not true.
> It may however detect that your are presenting an ip and or hostname that
> does not match the host you are connecting with, and increase the spf
> score on the messages to the point that the messages get rejected either
> in the google mta or downstream due to their spf score.
> --
> Denis McMahon, denismfmcma...@gmail.com
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


You have to start with a historical perspective.  Email was very open in
the beginning of the internet.  Before there were bad actors.  Since that
time, email has become the internet service most used for bad purposes, to
deliver bad payloads, spoof people into visiting fake websites to induce
them to give away private information, etc.  So, the email services have
gotten more particular about what they deem safe email in lots of different
ways.  If you want to do these various odd and misleading things to the
emails you send out, you will have to understand how to 'beat the systems'
that have been employed to stop that stuff.

Having read your questions here for the last year(s) I don't believe this
is an area in which you excel.  You always want quick answers to questions
that often show your complete lack basic understanding of the question
domain.   If you really want to plod along with this email spoofing, why
not take a couple of weeks to read all about how email works on the
internet, how email has been used to deliver viruses and spoofing schemes.
  After you understand that stuff well enough to show your competence in a
forum where there are other email experts, as your questions there.   As
has been pointed out by several people here, your questions are not python
language issues, they are issues relating to how email protocols work.  So,
study up and go to an email experts group and good luck!

Joel Goldstick

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