Στις 17/9/2013 2:55 μμ, ο/η Joel Goldstick έγραψε:
In honour of the value of mailing lists in general lets stop this thread
since once again the troll pattern repeats ad infinitum.

At least if you want to add to this nonsense, read each of the
(several?) dozen entries.

1. a seemingly earnest question is asked with something to do with
python.  The question looks like it is from an very anxious novice
2. errors are pointed out in the sloppiness of the code and as an aside,
the value of code in general is questioned since it is based on
assumptions that are completely muddled, misunderstood
3. people start to laugh and grouse "here we go again"
4. The troll whines back that he asked a good and question and people
are being mean to him
5. He draws more people into the thread who feel bad he was maligned.
6. the thread seems to go on with some (faux) value as people probe the
the basis of the discussion further
7. The troll, ignores every single bit of useful information provided
that doesn't serve his interest in keeping this going by slightly
altering the questions, or posing new variants, or raising hair-brain
notions.  In other words he is not discussion his own question, he is
TROLLING to keep the thread alive.
8. Someone notices the cycle is complete.

Go back for a year to every question asked by the troll who goes by
Nikos or Ferrous, or 2 or three other email address (in the same
thread!) and see if any of them don't follow this pattern.  If you are
new here and think this guy is worth your time, you are wasting
everyone's time and memory space or disk space to add to these threads

Ok, I won't do it again.

Yes you are doing it.
I'm not trolling but trying to solve a specific question and i have provided code i wrote to do that and explained the reason of why i want it to work like this.
I wouldn't waste my time trying code so many days until i make it work.

If you want to think i'm trolling go ahead and do it but please do it in your own thread not messing up mines.

There are members here like Tim Chase who said that they find it interesting to be able to do what i proposed.

It's ok if you dont want to help, but spamming my thread with your trolling assumptions towards me is tiresome and if you gonna do it open do it at least in your own thread.


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