Op 20-09-13 05:56, Jake Angulo schreef:
> Up Robert Kern's reply!
> I was waiting for smtplib <http://docs.python.org/2/library/smtplib> to
> be mentioned... finally!  Instead people simply answer philosophically.
>  I dont want to judge whether OP is a troll or not - but i found a lot
> of arrogant replies here.

That is nice. You don't like to judge the OP but you seem to have no
trouble judging others

> I have also worked on an antispam project
> before, and see through the intents of the OP, but I do not pretend to
> be a moralist.

That doesn't sound right after you judged other replies to be arrogant.

> I was hoping we would strictly discuss code or software
> architecture here, not morality. Simple question, simple answer pls, in
> the interest of the Python list.

Well I was hoping, we wouldn't be plagued by trolls or help-vampires
or at least that other wouldn't (spoon) feed them. I guess we can
always hope.

> To the OP:  
> You might want to google smtplib, and use that instead of os calling a
> system command. Smtplib takes care of all the operating system's quirks
> for you, and still uses the os native sendmail program.

But that won't help in eliminating all the headers Nikos would like
to avoid. Like the receive line that will identify his host.

Antoon Pardon

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