Op 17-09-13 14:11, Ferrous Cranus schreef:

> Yes you are doing it.
> I'm not trolling but trying to solve a specific question and i have
> provided code i wrote to do that and explained the reason of why i want
> it to work like this.

No you haven't. You have given no explanation at all for why you want
to eliminate those headers.

Since those headers are added to ease finding the source of email abuse
I really am curious to know your motivation for wanting them removed.

> I wouldn't waste my time trying code so many days until i make it work.
> If you want to think i'm trolling go ahead and do it but please do it in
> your own thread not messing up mines.

You are incosiderate by messing up the python list with non python
questions. Yet you demand others to be considerate by not messing up
your thread. Well you can hope I guess.

> There are members here like Tim Chase who said that they find it
> interesting to be able to do what i proposed.

Tim Chase said no such thing.

> It's ok if you dont want to help, but spamming my thread with your
> trolling assumptions towards me is tiresome and if you gonna do it open
> do it at least in your own thread.

We find it tiresome that you keep coming here with non-python
questions. That doesn't seem to stop you. So why do you think it should
stop others?

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