Hi Jake!

Am Freitag, 20. September 2013 05:56:57 UTC+2 schrieb Jake Angulo:
> ...
> I was waiting for smtplib to be mentioned... finally!  Instead people simply
> answer philosophically.  I dont want to judge whether OP is a troll or not -
As you do not seem to know the histrory of this topic I will try to summarize 
(you can find the plethora of posts in the archive):
* Nikos tried to send mails using smtplib via gmail
* gmail did not allow him to use arbitrary FROM adresses (whatever FROM-header 
he used, gmail changed it to the e-mail of his account). evil, evil gmail ;-)
* He got many, many hints not to send via gmail but use his own MTA
* Nikos configured sendmail to relay mail VIA GMAIL (unfortunately that did not 
change anything)
* while using arbitrary things to find the reason (when you browse the archive 
you will learn, that nikos does not read postings or docs but uses some sort of 
artistic or random or just chaotic "trial and error" to solve his problems)
* ... he found some other headers he wants to falsify
* the only reference to python is, that he wants to use his python-cgi-scripts 
to change the mailheaders AFTER the mail left his relaying MTA and even after 
the mail arrives in the inbox of the recipient (received-by-headers, 
IP-Adresses, ...). The hints to read some docs about TCP/IP, SMTP, ... he 
ignores as he has to do see 
http://www.politicsforum.org/images/flame_warriors/flame_62.php (the original 
by mreed is not reachable today)


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