On 8/3/2014 5:17 PM, Glenn Linderman wrote:
On 8/3/2014 4:25 PM, Andrew Berg wrote:
On 2014.08.03 18:08, Chris Angelico wrote:
The best way to do it is to use the Unicode codepage, but cmd.exe just
plain has issues. There are underlying Windows APIs for displaying
text that have problems with astral characters (I think that's what it
is), so ultimately, you're largely stuck.
That is not quite true. The terminal has these issues, not the shell. Using
cp65001 does make Unicode in a Windows terminal possible, but using a better
terminal[1] makes it almost perfect (my experience has been that input can be
difficult, but output works well). I personally have used an IRC bot written in
Python with logging output containing Unicode characters that display just fine
(both locally and over SSH).

[1] I recommend ConEmu:https://code.google.com/p/conemu-maximus5/
I will be reading more about conemu, thanks for the reference.

Having read a bit about ConEmu, it seems that it is a "pretty face" built on top of Windows Console, by screen scraping the real (but hidden) Windows Console, and providing a number of interesting display features and modes. So while it adds functionality to the Windows Console interface, it doesn't seem like it is likely to fix bugs or resolve issues with code pages, font selection, or Unicode character repertoires, which are the issues of this thread and the bug I referenced earlier.

Can anyone with ConEmu installed refute this interpretation of its functionality?

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