In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 Benji York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Russell E. Owen wrote:
>> I disagree. Once you've picked a database (not trivial in itself, of 
>> course), you typically only have a few options for talking to in in 
>> Python.
>Perhaps it's off-topic for this thread, but I think "picking a database" 
>is the first mistake most people make.  It's a form of premature 

I just wanted to point out that I was responding to somebody who 
complained that the database interface situation on python was somewhat 

Also, when I was looking at web frameworks, I was doing so *precisely* 
to serve one or more databases of information (read only to the users, 
but occasionally loaded with more info as it became available). So it 
happened to be the first question I asked (at the same time as "and how 
do I talk to it?").

Anyway, you did warn that your message was possibly off-topic, so I 
guess I'm agreeing with you and perhaps being overly defensive. It was 
an interesting message.

-- Russell

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