Thanks so much for trying this out. You've verified that it's possible to get this working.

However, when I execute the same code, the file "p2.csv" is exactly same size as p1.mpp and contains binary data, not the text. Since you have it working it must be a bug in either my version of MSProject or win32com. I'm using:

MSProject 2003
Python 2.5.2

Could you verify which versions you tested with?

Tim Golden wrote:

import win32com.client

project = win32com.client.Dispatch ("MSProject.Application")
project.FileOpen ("c:/temp/p1.mpp")
project.FileSaveAs (Name="c:/temp/p2.csv", FormatID="MSProject.CSV", Map="p1")
project.FileClose (Save=0)
project.FileQuit ()


I hadn't thought to check but, yes, it is:

Do something,£0.00

Sorry not to be much more help; I'm not really an MS Project man myself.


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