Tim Roberts wrote:
EISEN Nicolas wrote:
  / from win32gui import *
   import win32con

   listHicon = ExtractIconEx("c:\OpenOffice.exe",0)

   test =
LoadImage(listHicon[0],"c:\OpenOffice.exe",0,0,0,win32con.LR_DEFAULTSIZE) tupleIcon = GetIconInfo(test)/

To use GetIconInfo argument should be pyHandle. listHicon is array of
Hicon. LoadImage return Handle, but the last argument must be an pyHandle
(by the interpretor error)

   import pywintypes
   ph = pywintypes.HANDLE( listHicon[0] )

Now you have a PyHANDLE.

PS : the demo menu and taskbar use icon only to display it in another
module, but i want get bitmapBit of icon to send it to an inventory

The demo fetches the icon and then uses BitBlt to draw it to a bitmap. Why is that not EXACTLY what you need? That saves you all the trouble
of trying to extract the bitmaps from the icon and manipulate them in
somewhat to get a usable image.

I'm lucky, I found ...

My Source :

  /from win32gui import *
  import win32con
  from pywintypes import HANDLE
import win32ui
  listHicon = ExtractIconEx("c:\OpenOffice.exe",0)
  tupleIcon = GetIconInfo (HANDLE ( listHicon[0][0] ) )

  bitmapColor = tupel [4]

   picture = win32ui.CreateBitmap()
  buffer = picture.GetBitmapBits ( bitmapColor )

Python return :
/win32ui.error: GetObject failed on bitmap/
for the last line

win32ui have CreateBitmap with 0 argument and GetBitmapBits with 1 arguments
but win32gui have CreateBitmap with 5 arguments and GetBitmapBits have 2 arguments

With win32gui, the two last line will be :

  / picture = CreateBitmap(tupel[1],tupel[2],1, 256, None)
   buffer = picture.GetBitmapBits( bitmapColor, 32)
but picture will be an pyHANDLE and i can't use GetBitmapBits ...

I need take Stringbit for write it on file to display on the website (bmp, jpeg, ...).

On the demo, hicon is use ton create the variable nid and re use it to display on the screen, but i want get only the bitmap bits.

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