EISEN Nicolas wrote:
> I'm lucky, I found ...
> My Source :
>   /from win32gui import *
>   import win32con
>   from pywintypes import HANDLE
>    import win32ui 
>   listHicon = ExtractIconEx("c:\OpenOffice.exe",0)
>   tupleIcon = GetIconInfo (HANDLE ( listHicon[0][0] ) )
>   bitmapColor = tupel [4]
>    picture = win32ui.CreateBitmap()
>   buffer = picture.GetBitmapBits ( bitmapColor )
> /
> Python return :
> /win32ui.error: GetObject failed on bitmap/
> for the last line
> win32ui have CreateBitmap with 0 argument and GetBitmapBits with 1
> arguments
> but win32gui have CreateBitmap with 5 arguments and GetBitmapBits have
> 2 arguments

Yes.  Can't you see why?  win32gui is just a thin wrapper around the
actual Win32 APIs.  win32ui is an attempt to turn those APIs into
something more like Python objects.  Objects have access to additional
state, so you don't have to specify as many parameters.  When you call
    picture.GetBitmapBits( bitmapColor )

That's getting the pixels from the bitmap you just created.  The
parameter it takes is the number of bytes is should copy (so you're
passing garbage).  Your bitmap doesn't contain anything yet -- you
haven't even set the size -- so naturally the GetBitmapBits call fails.

You need to do EXACTLY what the demo does.  Create a bitmap, set its
size, then draw the icon on the bitmap, THEN pull the bits from the
bitmap.  The icon doesn't actually contain bitmaps.  It contains arrays
of pixels, but you need them to be a bitmap.

> On the demo, hicon is use ton create the variable nid and re use it to
> display on the screen, but i want get only the bitmap bits.

I'm not sure why you think these two things are different.  The way you
get the bitmap bits is to draw the icon on a bitmap.

Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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