Update follows...

  People on this list were quite helpful in referencing a couple of
tools for Pocket PC CAB file mangling.
  1. I was able to extract the Python CE CAB file an uploaded the
extracted files to my device. The python executable had an icon, and I
was able to run it. It seemed to work. I was able to execute a few
minor tests my way: a few dir()-s, a few imports, a few Base64
encoding and decoding operations, and it seemed to work fine. Until I
tried to import Tkinter:

> >>> import sys
> >>> import Tkinter
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "C:\devl\release\PythonCE-2.5-20061219\Python-2.5-wince\Lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py",
>  line 38, in <module>
> RuntimeError: Could not find CeLib DLL
> >>>

  Which led me to believe something is not right.
  Has anyone seen that? Does anyone know how to fix that?

  A similar error occurs when I try to install the PocketPyGui
(ppygui-0.7) which I thought I would use for the GUI part. However the
exception then has a bit longer stack trace (about 10 frames).

  2. Reading the documentation on the pocketpc-cab and lcab utilities
I found something that rang a bell:

    Appendix A: a list of processor architectures
    1824 - ARM 720
    2080 - ARM 820
    2336 - ARM 920
    2577 - StrongARM

    My device says in the System Properties: 'Intel, ARM920T-PXA27x'
    Could this be the culprit of my problems? Is ARM920 compatible
with Strong ARM? Should I give-up on trying to install the current
version and try to compile a version for my device personally?

  I also noted that the CAB files state, that the allowed OS version
is 4.00 up to 5.00, shouldn't it be up to 5.99 or something? Not that
my device has Windows 5.1 or anything, but I saw a the Smart Phone
version note a MAX OS Version of 5.99...

  I hope I get more feed-back on the subject.
  I feel I am getting closer, but I am neither a Mobile-Device expert,
nor a Python expert. I am fairly new to this stuff.
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