2008/8/4, Alexandre Delattre
>  > Any pointers on the ppygui installation issue?
>  The traceback points to the Html control module, which is not the most
> essential, however, as the installer relies on this control you'll have to
> proceed to manual installation, i.e. copy ppygui package from the archive to
> \Program Files\Python25\Lib
>  Then you have to edit ppygui/api.py and comment out the line:
>  from html import *
>  Then try to run the demo.py file which does not use the html control, and
> see if it works.

  After manually copying the ...\ppygui-0.7\ppygui\*.py to a newly
created $PYTHONHOME\Lib\site-packages\ppygui the demo application
started (pretty damn fast!) and displayed correctly (as far as I
  Now... Do I need the Tkinter pack to use ppygui? I did not find any
reference to that, and I am eager to trim down the Python
distribution. I'll be having problems creating a distribution pack for
installing on the devices we'll be using.

  Hmm... I wonder if I could be converted into a Python Head.
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