On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 00:49:53 -0600
Tim Flink <tfl...@redhat.com> wrote:

> To be more specific, I am proposing the following:
>  - all QA devel projects be have flake8 as the linter in arc config
>  - no code be accepted with lint errors unless there is absolutely no
>    other way to get around it
>  - until we get our entire codebase PEP8 compliant, "if you touch a
>    file, fix the lint errors even if those errors are not part of what
>    you're changing"
> Any strong objections to starting this? Any strong objections should
> have an alternative proposal and a justification why that proposal is
> worth deviating from a well known and established standard.

After the meeting earlier today, I wanted to make a slightly different

 - if flake8 config in arcanist can be so configured, set max line
   width to 120 instead of 79

 - default to "no" on lint exceptions - the idea is to avoid spending
   time debating whether an exception is worth it or not.

 - until we get the codebase compliant "if you touch a file, fix the
   lint errors even if those errors are not part of what you're

With the current split of develop and disposable-develop, I'd like to
avoid the merge issues that would come about from a big change to
develop that may conflict with changes we've already made in



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