On Tue, 16 Jun 2015 06:25:22 -0400 (EDT)
Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:

> > After the meeting earlier today, I wanted to make a slightly
> > different proposal.
> > 
> >  - if flake8 config in arcanist can be so configured, set max line
> >    width to 120 instead of 79
> On my 1920px monitor, two windows with 100 columns fit perfectly next
> to each other (11px font). Is there a strong desire to go over 100
> cols? It would make file comparisons less practical. And 100 (well,
> 99) is still PEP8-approved.

Yeah, 100 is fine by me. 120 was a somewhat arbitrary number that I
thought I remembered from previous conversations

> I have no problems exceeding that limit in certain specific cases.
> For example, because we often bundle documentation with the source
> code, and we format it with rst, it might happen that a large block
> of text is indented far right and it makes it very long. Or there are
> some code samples which can be wrapped but it makes them hard to
> read. In such cases I have no problem having these particular lines
> go to 120 (or even more, if needed). But this would be very
> exceptional and almost never applied to regular code - no need to
> worry about linter exceptions discussions, I think.
> PS: It seems that flake8 can't be configured in arcanist at the
> moment. The patch was written [1] but abandoned and never pushed [2].
> It seems quite simple, though, so we could finish that up, if
> desired. The other approach is to disable line length checking in
> flake8 and use generic ArcanistTextLinter [3] for it, it's even
> mentioned in the docs [4]. That should be less work.

I think that we can work around this by putting config items in
setup.cfg or tox.ini like they talk about in that revision (and why the
author abandoned it, I think).

> [1] https://secure.phabricator.com/D10512
> [2]
> https://github.com/phacility/arcanist/blob/master/src/lint/linter/ArcanistFlake8Linter.php
> [3]
> https://github.com/phacility/arcanist/blob/master/src/lint/linter/ArcanistTextLinter.php
> [4]
> https://secure.phabricator.com/book/phabricator/article/arcanist_extending_lint/#arcanisttextlinter
> > 
> >  - default to "no" on lint exceptions - the idea is to avoid
> > spending time debating whether an exception is worth it or not.
> If I read this correctly as "we don't have a strict 0-exceptions
> policy, but they should be very rare and if you propose one, you
> should have a very good reason to do so", I think that's fine and
> we'll see how that works in the next months.

That's pretty much what I meant, yeah.

Setting rigid "absolutely no exceptions ever" rules are generally a bad
idea. Unavoidable at times but there are usually problems that come
along with them.

> > 
> >  - until we get the codebase compliant "if you touch a file, fix the
> >    lint errors even if those errors are not part of what you're
> >    changing"
> Even though this will make our files a bit consistent (modified parts
> looking a bit different than unmodified parts), I don't mind much and
> I think that this approach is fine for the moment. Especially before
> we find out if we're happy with the new approach. It will also
> minimize the changes between develop and disposable-develop.

Yeah, let's see how well this works out. Hopefully we'll be able to
merge disposable-develop back into develop soon and we won't have 2
active-ish branches to keep up to date.


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