Sorry for my previous incomplete email


I have another small question. Actually, I am implementing hardware
transactional memory support in QEMU. I have implemented the following two
helper functions functions in targer-i386/helper.c

void helper_StartTransaction()
void helper_CommitTransaction();

My application looks as follows.
int main()
      __asm_volatile("mov %al %al"); //is detected in translation.c and
helper_StartTransaction is called
      //add the code here
     __asm_volatile("mov %bl %bl"); //is detected in translation.c and
helper_CommitTransaction is called

In case a transaction fails, I detect it inside the code for
helper_CommitTransaction(), now I need to jump back to the start of
transaction. I do it by using setjmp inside helper_StartTransaction and
calling longjmp inside CommitTransaction, Code for the two helper functions
is as follows

void helper_StartTransaction()
   printf("StartTransaction Called\n");
     printf("Transaction restart\");


void helper_CommitTransaction()
   printf("CommitTransaction Called\n");
   longjmp(env->tm_jmp, 0);

But this prints "Transaction restart" once and then the program finishes.
This means that commit transaction is not called the second time. Could you
please tell me what am I doing wrong?

On 4/16/07, Atif Hashmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 4/8/07, Eduardo Felipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I recommend:
> Regards,
> Eduardo

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