On 19.10.2010, at 15:42, Wolfgang Mueller wrote:

> *********************************************************
>                Call for Presentations
>           1st International QEMU Users Forum
>           March 18th, 2011, Grenoble, France
> *********************************************************
> Deadlines:
> Extended abstract             Nov 28th, 2010
> Notification of acceptance    Nov 30th, 2010

While I appreciate your efforts to organize this event, I would have preferred 
to see some coordination with the Qemu community before simply announcing an 
"official" Qemu event.

From what I gathered on your preliminary schedule 
(http://www.date-conference.com/date11-workshop-W8), the main focus of this 
event is SystemC integration. I'm not sure this is what I would call a "Users 
Forum". It sounds more like a want-to-be developer meeting to discuss 
integration aspects of other projects with Qemu.

This too is a noble goal, but from the announcement you might end up getting 
real end-users come to this event and be very disappointed, because they would 
like to hear about command line switches to virtualize on x86 hardware.

So in general, I would really like to see you coordinate better with qemu-devel 
before announcing something that could potentially work out bad for Qemu's 
reputation, even if it's meant with good intentions.

Thank You,


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